What To Expect In Class:
In my ENGR1201 Class, my goal is to convince you that you can be an engineer! I have 17 years’ experience as a research engineer and executive in the biotech industry, helping bring to market innovative biotech products like medicines and enzymes. I am extremely grateful for my engineering career and grateful now for the opportunity to pay it forward to the next generation at ACC. In my career, I have seen that there are many skills that an engineer needs to be successful and math and science acumen are but two of them.
I guide the class through an autonomous robotic car project to introduce you to concepts like project management, teamwork, communication, and presentation skills. In addition you will be introduced to some basic engineering concepts that you will encounter again later in your academic career like engineering economics, ethics, coding, CAD, and the design cycle. My hope is to give you a good feel for the engineering profession and a toolbox of skills that will serve you well in any career.