Astronomy Student Resources
Links and Resources
ACC Library Resource Guide for Astronomy
Links to Astronomy-related books and publications in the ACC library, plus related websites.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
This site features an astronomy picture of the day, with information about the subject of the picture. You can look up previous pictures and other information here as well.
Austin Astronomical Society
The Austin Astronomical Society is a local group of astronomers who hold star parties and other activities. See their website for more information.
Bad Astronomy
In this case, Bad Astronomy means astronomy myths, misconceptions and misinformation in movies, TV, books, and the news. Phil Plait also includes links to other interesting sites.
CHANDRA – X-ray Observatory
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory is a telescope specially designed to detect X-ray emission from very hot regions of the Universe such as exploded stars, clusters of galaxies, and matter around black holes.
Cosmic Journey
An updated version of the zoomable graphic that illustrates the space exploration program.
This advanced calculator handles algebra, geometry, calculus, probability/statistics, linear algebra, linear programming, and discrete mathematics problems, with steps shown.
Hubble Ultra-deep Field 3D
Astronomers decided to point the Hubble Telescope at a dark spot out in space and they left it there for 10 days. The results encouraged them to try again for 11 days. Turn up your sound while you look at the 3-D presentation the astronomers made.
The Known Universe
The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History.
Data: Digital Universe, American Museum of Natural History
From the Hayden Planetarium, a downloadable Digital Universe Atlas.
The NASA website has an enormous amount of information on astronomical topics. This is a good starting place for any search. It also has links to other sites that are reliable.
NASA’s Facebook Page
Even NASA has a Facebook page, and it has some beautiful photographs. Check it out!
The Nucleus
This website has plenty of interesting resources for physics and astronomy undergraduate students.
Phototopic Sky Survey
Interactive composite photo of the Milky Way.
The Planetary Society
Primarily about the Solar System, this site has a variety of links to other astronomy sites that go beyond our planets and out into the universe.
Planetary Surfaces Comparison Poster
Seti At Home
This site tells how to let your computer help analyze data that may contain signals from extraterrestrial intelligence. It also has discussions and articles on the subject for further reference. Several competing groups are trying to analyze the most data. Check it out!
Sky & Telescope
Information about observing, including guides to telescopes and photography is the primary focus here. An interactive sky chart gives a customized sky chart for any location on Earth, on any date, at any time.
From the University of Texas McDonald Observatory.
StarDate Online: Find Radio Affliates
Find radio affliates in your area.
Texas Museum of Science and Technology
University of Texas, Dept. of Astronomy
The University of Texas Department of Astronomy and McDonald Observatory sponsor several public outreach programs. Links to these are on this webpage. The Astronomy Department hosts three weekly viewing nights for the public while UT is in session. That information is also on this site.