Poster sessionOn December 9th, the Biotechnology Department hosted end of the semester mixer coupled with Instrumentation Class Presentations and Internship Posters. The event was attended by Biotechnology faculty and staff, Del Valley High School students, Biotechnology students and alumni, and Biology students interested in Biotechnology. Students presented their ideas on a possible biotechnology product including how to produce and test it. Some of the ideas were genetic testing for the “Bliss gene product”, and production of the enzyme that degrades plastics and how it could be used to degrade the plastic waste accumulating in landfills and the oceans.

The final events were a tour of the RRC facility for the Del Valley students and a poster presentation from the interns. During the initial introductions it was discovered that several of the internship students now have full-time jobs at these companies. In fact, one student reported that she applied for a job advertising a 4-year degree was needed but that when the interviewer heard about all of the skills she acquired in the program—she got the job despite the fact she only has a 2-year degree. Another example, of how well the program prepares students for area biotechnology jobs!

The event was great fun and informative, we will be hosting another event in the Spring. We will post event information when we have it.